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New Ancient Discovery in Jerusalem Recently Opened to Visitors

Herodian Water Channel

The Western Wall is arguably the most important archaeological site in Israel. As the focal point of Israeli archaeology, new discoveries are found periodically. However, the latest find has been particularly exciting to archaeologist and tourism alike. An ancient Second Temple Period water system linking the City of David to the area of the Western Wall has been uncovered.

During the last 7 years, archaeologist Eli Shukron from the Israel Antiquities Authority, has excavated this Herodian street and the tunnel underneath it, opening a window for today’s visitors to visualize how the streets of Jerusalem looked 2000 years ago. This excavation led to the understanding of how the Pool of Siloam in the City of David was linked to the Temple Mount. According to the Gospel of John, it was at the Siloam Pool where Jesus healed the blind man. (John 9:1–11)

Tourists today can visit the excavated tunnel and walk through a section of the Herodian Channel that is approximately 500 feet long. The channel gathered water and drained it from the city of Jerusalem southwards, passing by the Pool of Siloam and outside the city. The tunnel also served as a place of refuge for the Jews who rebelled against the Romans. Within the channel numerous artifacts were found, pieces of history, which tell the story of Jerusalem and its destruction. At the end of the tunnel is the impressive foundations stones of the Western Wall at the foot of the Temple Mount, visitors exit onto the magnificent road, where the Jewish pilgrims walked, 2000 years ago.