Egypt Experiences Increase in Tourism after New Discoveries Picture released by the Egyptian Antiquities Ministry on September 9, 2017 The Egyptian Antiquities Minister announced on Saturday the discovery of a 3,500 year old tomb in the Nile River city of Luxor. The finding includes the remains of Amenemhat, a royal goldsmith dating back to the New Kingdom (16th to 11th centuries BC). Inside the structure archaeologists are greeted by the statue of the goldsmith and his family. They also found 50 funerary cones and 40 pieces of pottery which are evidence of undiscovered tombs near the Valley of the Kings. While the discovery is not as huge as the discovery of a pharaoh or a new underground city, the most recent discoveries have brought much needed attention to Egypt which has suffered a decline in tourism since the 2011’s uprising and recent terrorist attacks. Egypt’s tourism has increased 170% this year with $3.6 billion in revenues. In fact, our “Into The Promised Land” tours which traces Moses’ footsteps through Egypt, Jordan and Israel, are completely sold out for the remaining of 2017! The future of Egypt as a tourist destination is bright and we can’t wait for you to experience it! Click here to read more about our Into The Promised Land tour.